Pet Information
Please note - updated vaccinations are required (supply copy before first visit) and dogs over the age of 8 months must be neutered/spayed to attend daycare and boarding. Aggressive dogs will not be accepted.
By checking, I confirm the following below;
1. I am the legal owner of the dog described The dog described has up-to-date vaccinations which will be kept up-to-date for as long as the dog uses any service from Doggy House.
2. I authorize the attending veterinarian to treat my dog and I accept full responsibility for fees and charges incurred in the treatment of my dog.
3. Doggy House is authorized to transport my dog to and from the veterinary clinic for treatment or to request on-site treatment if deemed necessary. If I cannot be reached in case of an emergency, the listed emergency contact shall act on my behalf to authorize any treatment.
4. I understand and agree that Doggy House and their staff will not be held liable for any problems that might arise with my dog, provided that reasonable care and precautions are followed.
5. I understand and agree that all situations my dog will be treated as deemed appropriate by the staff of Doggy House at their discretion.